Saturday, 7 April 2012

Welcome to 2012. Very delayed I know but better late than never I always say. My music hunting hasn't been going so well for me lately for a few reasons but mainly, I just can't seem to find any tunes worthy of blogging.  In my absence a few points:

You've probably come across a few social media posts or other blogs complaining about requests/demands patrons make towards DJ's. This is something that happens quite often and in most cases, there is no arguing with the drunk fool on the other side of the table. Take last weekend for example. Husband was DJing at a local club in the lounge bar and had a strict house music brief to stick to.  I'd like to add at this point that the same club he was playing in had another level playing all the popular club tunes.  Husband was doing his thing when  two people come a request Level's by Avicii then asked that after he mixes into a Swedish House Mafia song. Firstly, couldn't they be more predictable but husband took the high road and tried to explain his brief and why he wasn't going to play their requests.  These people couldn't care less. Husband was feeling a little ill from the night before so I stepped in to talk to his new fans. I explained exactly what Husband had already told them and added, he really wants to get paid and to be asked back so he'll be doing what the club management wants and not what they want. I politely noted, the club was open upstairs and they would hear the songs there or alternatively, hire him for yourself and he'll play what ever the fuck you ask for. At this point they decided to back down and continued on with their night. Don't be fooled it's not always that easy, drunk people most often don't give up and will keep going and going until either the club closes or they pass out. 

That same night Husband was playing away and had a douche bag come up to him and tell him that he was a better DJ than Husband because he has supported Marlo. Little did this person know Husband has supported the likes of Plump DJ's, Laid Back Luke and Nada Strom just to name a few. Now without hearing this man actually DJ I am not claiming he isn't true, however to walk up to someone and make an assumption is just plain dumb. To make himself look more like a dick, he added Husband should go and talk to two people who run a club night at another local bar. These two people are the very people who started booking husband three years ago and who continue to give him gigs regularly. Now if he was genuinely trying to get Husband gigs it would be fine but this man was trying to big note himself which leads me to my next point. 

 He like many other DJ's about are to caught up in the whole scene. For example: quotes like "I was the first person to find this song in [insert city/town here]. Who the fuck cares. If its popular it will be played to death anyway.  Or the simple 'Hey hows it going?' and the douche bag DJ responds with "I'm just going to meet up with [insert super star DJ here] and [club owner here]. Not what I asked mate and  again, couldn't care less. Maybe if you were going to ask these famous people you hang out with some tips on production or DJing but you're not. You're going to liquor them up harass them for gigs and post photo's of yourself on Twitter so all your followers can see how totally popular you are.

I could go on and on about this but I'll keep it brief and leave you with this fantastic request a friend of mine got while playing a gig in Sydney one night.